When to change toothbrush after COVID-19? It’s best if you can toss it right away after getting sick. Usually, it’s ideal for throwing away toothbrushes every three months, but when you are sick, the sooner, the better. 

Have you got COVID recently, or do you have the symptoms? Does someone in the family have COVID? If so, you need to be mindful of what you are using. 

There could be many things on your mind, but you must take care of your health and others around you! 

Read on for more information. 

when to change toothbrush

Photo by Edward Jenner

When Is The Right Time to Throw Toothbrush? 

When you or someone in the house gets COVID-19, it will be best to throw the toothbrush. Once you recover, it’s time to toss away the toothbrush and get a new one. 

Ideally, it would help if you throw away the toothbrush or replace the existing one with a new one. However, you can buy bamboo toothbrushes in bulk so that you can easily replace toothbrushes without the guilt of adding tons of plastic to the environment.

When you or anyone in the house is tested positive for COVID-19, it’s best to self-isolate and remove your toothbrush from the toothbrush holder. Then, take care of yourself, but it’s best to take precautionary measures once you recover. Also, you can ask your doctor and dentist to guide you better about your overall health

Why Throw Toothbrush after COVID-19?

At this point, you may wonder why you must toss away your current toothbrush. It’s best to throw away your toothbrush because of the following:

  • There could be bacteria on the toothbrush. 
  • You may not be cleaning the toothbrush correctly. 
  • The germs may spread if you share the toothbrush with anyone else. 
  • Keeping a toothbrush in the same toothbrush holder may spread germs. 

Learn to take care of your belongings, including the toothbrushes. It’s best if you can buy the toothbrush in bulk. Doing so can help you replace the toothbrush when the time is right. 

Which Toothbrush Is Right for Me? 

There is a variety available on the market, and it would be hard to decide which is the best. With tons of plastic affecting the planet, it’s best to consider a toothbrush suitable for you and the environment. For example, you can look into bamboo toothbrushes and see if it makes a difference! 

You can ask your dentist to guide you in the right direction. For example, some dentists may recommend using an electric toothbrush instead of the manual one as it could be better for the user’s oral health. So, a lot depends on oral health and what the dentist recommends. 

You would find toothbrushes that have replaceable heads. It all comes down to what’s the most viable solution for you. Plus, you also need to see what suits you best. It’s best to follow the advice and recommendation of your dentist. 


Is it okay to use the same toothbrush after COVID-19? 

It’s best to replace your toothbrush to be on the safe side. However, even if you have recovered and thoroughly cleaned the toothbrush, why take the chance? After all, you would still be replacing the toothbrush within three months then why not sooner? 

Is it okay to use the same toothbrush for everyone? 

No, it’s not okay! You must be careful about passing the germs, especially during COVID-19. Maintaining cleanliness is essential, whether it’s about oral hygiene, personal hygiene, or keeping your surroundings clean. It’s best not to share the toothbrush. 

When is the right time to replace the toothbrush?

It’s best to replace the toothbrush every three months; however, you can throw it sooner when you are sick or suffering from COVID-19. You can also talk to your dentist about your oral once you recover from COVID-19. 

What type of toothbrush is good for my oral health? 

You can ask your dentist to suggest the best toothbrush for your oral health. You can opt for the electric one as it helps clean the gums and is automatic, and you can also opt for the bamboo toothbrushes. It all comes down to what suits you, your preferences, and your overall oral health. The best source of information would be your dentist. 

Is it okay to keep the toothbrush in the same toothbrush holder when sick? 

If someone is sick with COVID-19 or seasonal flu, it’s best not to share the toothbrush and holder, and it’s best to avoid the toothpaste. It all comes down to avoiding germs and taking care of your health. There is a saying prevention is better than cure which is why preventive measures are always better! So, bear that in mind. 

Tips to Keep In Mind for Your Health 

If you or anyone in the house has COVID-19, you must take care of your health. 

Consider the following: 

  • You must not share your toothbrush with anyone else in the family. It’s never ideal to use the same toothbrush. Each individual must have a toothbrush, even the kids. 
  • Consider replacing the toothbrush when you are sick, whether with COVID-19 or other health concerns. It’s best to be on the safe side. Plus, it’s good to know what toothbrush bristles are made of. 
  • Always wash your hands and keep yourself and your surroundings clean. It’s ideal for maintaining cleanliness at all times. If things are clean and germ-free, you will naturally feel more confident. 
  • Take care of your diet and your physical and mental health. Focus on the positive side of life when you feel down! 
  • Self-isolate yourself when you get COVID-19. Use a separate bathroom and distance yourself from others in the house. Don’t share anything with others. 

Wrapping It Up 

Tossing the toothbrush when you are sick is best to avoid any risks of getting sick again. However, throwing the toothbrush may not be on your mind, so try replacing it and see if it helps. Generally, you must change your toothbrush every three months and sooner when you have COVID-19 or any other similar situation.