Have you ever wondered what happened to your oral health over the years? Or you may encounter someone and would be shocked to see them! 

We live in modern times, but our oral health requires basic cleanliness and hygiene. 

Rotting teeth, bad breath, and diseased gums, all tell a tale of bad oral hygiene

When you aren’t serious about your oral health, you may find yourself at the dental clinics wondering what happened to your oral health. 

Let’s talk more about it. But remember the information here is for discussion only. It’s not medical advice. 

Oral Health And You 

Your oral health and your overall health go hand in hand! If there is a gum disease, tooth infection, or any other underlying issue, you won’t be able to sit comfortably. In fact, such issues may affect your everyday activities. 

Photo by Tara Winstead

Aging And Oral Health

Everyone ages, it’s a part of life. From the outside, you can look young and healthy, but there could be underlying issues. And you must address them! The sooner the better. Aging can also affect your oral health. You may notice receding gums and teeth getting weaker. There could be many underlying possibilities, but look at the basics. You may simply not be brushing and flossing! Talk to your dentist and get professional dental cleanings to keep those pearls shiny and healthy for a long time. 

Disease And Oral Health

Diseases whether physical or mental can affect you in many ways. You may stop brushing your teeth or may start neglecting oral health. It could be because of a disease that your gums or teeth would be affected. In any case, it’s best to talk to your healthcare provider if you notice any signs or symptoms of any type of disease. The same goes for your loved ones. Keep an eye on others around you and take them to a doctor if you notice issues with oral health or overall health. 

Personal Life 

We try our best to live the best life! But, at times things may go overboard and it would be hard to keep pace with the world. Sometimes people may step back from career or education because of personal life issues. But, it’s also possible that your personal life can affect your oral hygiene. For example, new moms find it challenging to set sleep schedules because of the newborn and thus, it would be hard to maintain regular oral hygiene. Maintaining oral hygiene is doable, but at times it could be challenging for someone! We never know what may happen next. So, forming a habit can help. 

Lack of Time Management 

You could find yourself hurrying to do everything in life. The same may go for your oral health. Your lack of time management or the habit of doing everything in a hurry would also apply to brushing and washing your face. You may want to hastily brush your teeth and may not even consider flossing as it can waste your time. Talk to your dentist and healthcare provider if you find it hard to focus on a simple task and it affects your day-to-day life and activities. 

How to Know If Your Oral Health Is Affected? 

There is a possibility that you may not even notice the change in your oral health. So, it’s best to go for regular dental checkups and cleanings. The dentist takes X-rays to see if there are any underlying issues. 

If your oral health needs more care, the hygienist may point it to you! At times all it takes is regular brushing and flossing of the teeth. And sometimes mouthwash can solve your oral health issues! 

When you see that your smile is bright and beautiful on the outside, but you are feeling pain in the tooth or gums then it would be best to discuss your concerns with the dentist. 

Also, despite a lot of information and articles available online, you must always talk to your dentist about your oral health issues. 

If you observe other people casually mentioning your oral health, you can politely ask if there is something that’s bothering them. It could be your bad breath! When your breath stinks, people may not want to mention it, but at the same time it’s uncomfortable to be around someone who has bad breath. 


What’s going on with my oral health? 

If you are an overall healthy person and take care of yourself, then it could merely be aging which is a natural process. It may affect your oral health and you may notice a change. It’s best to talk to your dentist if you have any concerns about your oral hygiene. 

How can I form a habit of regularly brushing and flossing? 

Brush and floss as if your life depends on it. Well, in fact, in a way it does! It’s all about the basics. Ensure you are doing it regularly no matter what. Once you form the habit, it would be hard to let go of it! Also, consider changing your toothbrush every three months. If you worry about the price, then look in the bamboo toothbrushes or toothbrushes at a good price

Why is my dentist not guiding me? 

If you are not getting the attention you deserve, then it’s probably best to find a new dental clinic. Check out the reviews and comments from other users. Doing so would give you an idea of what to expect. It’s always best to go to a place where you feel heard. If the dentist or dental clinic isn’t guiding you the way you want, it’s time to move on. 

Wrapping It Up 

A lot may happen to you and your oral health. However, hope for the best! When things are in your favor, you don’t mind the change. But, when things go south that’s when you worry and want to do everything that can affect you positively. The same would go for the oral health. Always keep your oral hygiene in check. Talk to your dentist when you have concerns. 

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