Today, brush teeth with a toothbrush is our daily work, but do you know when we start do it? In the past, what does a toothbrush like? In most of the countries, the ancient civilization shows that people clean teeth with branch or a piece of wood. They scrape the surface of their teeth with them, that’s the old toothbrushes’ appearance. According to the document of Dentist Association, the first toothbrush was invented by Hongzhi Emperor in 1498. He insert boar bristle in bone handle.
In the western countries, they clean teeth with rag, this “toothbrush” appeared in Roman times. A real toothbrush showed up in 17th century and be popular in 19th century. In 1938, Dupont company push out synthetic fibre(nylon usually) as toothbrush bristle instead of boar bristle.
Nowadays, because we pay more attention to nature, toothbrush with bamboo handle and boar bristle come out again, they are more eco friendly and more healthy.